NKK offers the industry's most extensive selection of off-the-shelf OLED and LCD programmable devices, referred to as SmartSwitches. NKK's SmartSwitch products combine a pushbutton or rocker switch with a graphic OLED or LCD display for a space-saving, simplified, multi-function device. A wide array of options are available from full-screen OLED pushbutton to compact LCD and display options. A complete line of development engineering kits are also available to enhance your design and application. The NKK SmartSwitch is a pushbutton switch that enables designers to create clear paths in complex decision making environments using intuitive and programmable custom menus. This enhanced decision-making capability provides a significant upgrade in the ease-of-use for operators giving more accurate guidance to complete their tasks. NKK’s SmartSwitch increases efficiency by reducing the time to train operators while delivering a significant reduction or elimination of operator errors. The SmartSwitch also has a wide viewing angle and can be seen from a distance allowing operators to quickly see any changes in their critical environments.
SMARTSWITCH Series Dec Kit Features:
- Assists with rapid prototyping and understanding the capabilities of the different SmartSwitch products.
- Contains all the necessary components to get you started using, testing and ultimately incorporating NKK Switches' SmartSwitch into your designs.
- The development kits come pre-programmed for demonstration. They can be reprogrammed by the user for demonstration or real-time application.
- NKK provides a free PC software (Universal Communicator 2015) for programming the development kits.
Dev Kit 7 Features:
- IS-Dev Kit-7 controls two OLED (64x48) SmartSwitches (ISC15ANP4)
- Pushbutton functionality on each SmartSwitch
- RGB color OLED display with a resolution of 64x48 pixels
- IS-Dev Kit-7D controls two OLED (52x36) SmartDisplays (ISC01P)
- JB switches below SmartDisplays for control
- RGB color OLED display with a resolution of 52x36 pixels
- Power from USB or 9V power supply. (Power supply not included.)
- On board microSD Flash that can hold up to 65,536 images
- Adjustable audio feedback when a OLED switch is pressed
- Software control setting for 16 levels of brightness designed to extend the life of the OLED
- User programmable for images, attributes and set-ups
Real-time control by host:
- Commands to direct the controller to display any of 65,535 images to either of the two switches
- Commands to send characters so controller can create images for either of the two switches
- Commands to check various statuses of the controller
- Report switch activities to host
- Report the address of any new image displayed to host
Stand-alone operation:
- Set up the controller to function based on switch presses
- Set up the controller to function based on timer expiration
- Report switch activities to host
- Report the address of any new image displayed to host
- Communication via USB (57.6K, 1 start bit, 8 bit, 1 stop bit)
- Set the type of activity reports from the controller to host
- Power requirement: 5V to 12V at 180 mA max
- Controller board firmware can be customized based on customer requirements