The Arduino Tinkerkit is perfect for those interested in seeing how electronics work and want to create interactive environments and interfaces. The K000001 Tinkerkit Basic by Arduino includes several sensor modules with 3-pin connectors that are pre-soldered. Use the Tinkerkit as a starting point for creating prototype interfaces without the need for breadboarding or soldering. Just connect the variety of modules to your Arduino through the sensor shield to get started.
- Button Module: detects when a person or an object presses on its circular cap.
- LDR Module: The LDR or Light Dependant Resistor/Photoresistor is a variable resistor. When light is detected on the sensor, the sensor decreases its resistance.
- Tilt Sensor Module: detects when the module is at an angle.
- Thermistor Module: a resistor whose resistance varies significantly with temperature.
- Rotary Potentiometer Module: turn this moduleâs knob to vary the output voltage between 0 - 5V.
- Linear Potentiometer Module: use this moduleâs slider to vary the output voltage between 0 - 5V.
- Touch Sensor Module: detects skin contact.
- Relay Module: allows you to turn on/off a circuit using voltage and/or current much higher than the Arduino can handle
- 1 Sensor shield v.2
- 1 Button module
- 1 LDR module
- 1 Tilt sensor module
- 1 Thermistor module
- 1 Rotary potentiometer module
- 1 Linear potentiometer module
- 1 Touch sensor module
- 1 Relay module
- 1 5mm green LED module
- 1 5mm yellow LED module
- 1 5mm red LED module
- 1 10mm green LED module
- 4 20cm cables
- 2 50cm cables
- 1 100cm cables